Binge Eating Masterclass

Learn how I ended binge eating in just 2 weeks without cutting out any of my favourite foods which ended my 24/7 hunger, saved me ~£82 a week on takeaway, and stop eating effortlessly whenever I want to!

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    Jonathan Sumner

    Binge Eating Recovery Dietitian

    Who am I?

    I am a binge eating recovery dietitian who previously struggled with binge eating but now am binge free for 5+ years. Using my personal and dietetic knowledge, I understand how exhausting and mentally draining it is to struggle with binge eating and I'm here to get you to where I am! Life is not dictated by food

    What will you learn?

    • The 3 main triggers to binge eating:
      1. Physical Restriction
      2. Mental Restriction
      3. All-or-nothing mindset
    • Then learn the super simple yet effective eating pattern that can overcome ALL of the triggers - without any restriction